2007-01-22 | Mixotic 067 | Length: 78:55 |

| Tom Larson - Klänge der Nacht Vol.1 Tom Larson is the specialist for deep sounds. Dive into his world of hushed beats like in a deep, blue sea. On the ground you'll suddenly find wide shining surfaces of sound, just there to make you happy. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Tom Larson: Tom was born on October 24, 1979 in Sonneberg. At the age of 16 he discovered his love for electronic music. At that time he was inspired by music sets of Richie Hawtin, Karotte and many other artists.He also had a big interest in spinning records. Tom began to create Mixes... He put on records in many reputable locations in his homeland and at numerous radio stations like Sputnik Radio for example. He convinced lots of parties with his ingenious DJ Skills and also wants to convince you. His aim ... [read on]

awesome moving mix..just like watching the Dark Knight movie or Departed...awesome flow.. Metta kindness to you tom N everyone at Mixotic

Excellent music Tom Larson. Your mixes take me someplace else. Thank you!

very nice

*freu* habe es gefunden... :rolleyes:
"Mujuice - Piano Version"
feine sache! lg.

zunächst einmal ein lob. eine cht klasse zusammenstellung der songs und ich höre die sets von tom larson rauf und runter!!
eine frage die mich schon seit wochen beschäftigt!!!
im set 067 "klänge der nacht vol.1" ist ein song der etwa bei 29:30 min anfängt ein zu spielen.
ich möchte zu gern wissen wie dieser song heißt und von wem dieses stück ist. dieses stück hat mich gefesselt und möchte es sehr gern als Vinyl erwerben.
BITTE-bitte verratet es mir!!
mit freundlichen grüßen ogodragonfly

I always had a passision 4 deep house.

I always had a passision 4 deep house.

100% Rock Vol.4 CD 3

this is a deep and lush mix. very very nice. good to work to!
Excellent track selection and mixing.


try listen after you get a yakuzza (red ex)

hi ek soek iemaid om te chat

feels like the opiate sun!


deep deep deep...


this netlable lies about the filesize BUT i don't think when it comes to pure great mixes noone cares about the filesize. even i don't. especially with this Mix. Tom Larson is the best in my mind when it comes to deep techno.i'm playin this one in my player right now and i gotta say the deep techno really does blend in well with the amount of house he's put in it. Tom Larson io hope well get to hear from you again in the near future.

perfect, richtig gut, genau mein fall.
thanks for that perfect mix!
hamburg rules
2007-06-25 | Dj Xakaza, South Africa |

When I listen I think beer. Nice Mix

Excellent music. Thanks for an excellent mix :)

download mixt v 5 1

one off the best dj all you mixes are nice and easy a real bomb hope i listen you live i am out peace and love on all music freaks airsneaker

Awesome & outstanding - Greetz from Munich
2007-03-06 | Agent Comfortable |

Let me say this: Downloaded all your mixes and they are awesome! It keeps me warm up here in northern Norway...
Thanx Tom :)

This mix is awsome - great vibe and sound!!

Nice, but sometimes a bit "boring"
may u know 4 yourself what is meant

echt der hammer weiter so :-)
2007-02-06 | house of dremers |

Thank to dj it was great,,l pass myself

...zur vollsten zufriedenheit! weiter so!!!


schade dass meine joggingrunde nur 40 minuten lang ist :) ..werde jetzt doppelt laufen müssen :)) einfach TOP!!

Ja sehr sehr cooler sound, wirklich klasse!

Toller Mix !

Ja, schließ mich auch der Meinung "Bester netdj" an! Das Gleichgewicht zwischen Entspannung und Antrieb, melancholisch und postiv, ist immer wieder ein Genuß bei Tom Larsen
Weiter so..

Perfect mixing-perfect sound!
Keep it that way :-)

again many thanks to the dj.

Sehr schönes Mixset, die Tracks harmonisieren sehr gut miteinander und trotz der eher ruhigen und entspannten Atmosphäre bekommt man doch zwischendurch Lust zu tanzen...

Ich schliesse mich der Meinung von Herrn Tobsucht an.

thx for using our tracks from s!te rec. perfect mix!

absolute amazing, really great...
T.L. seems to be indeed one of the best netaudio djs. greetings and rock on ;)

is this guy playing one long track?
top mixing. holy s**t.
thumbs up


Not as good as his two previous mixes 048 and 053, staying more at the surface, but well...

Ich schließe mich Tobi an, Toms mixe sind nicht zu schlagen, zumindest was meinen Geschmack angeht. Danke !!

yeah tom larson rocks

sehr schöne musikauswahl und auf jeden fall eines der top netaudio-sets der letzten zeit. dakeschön!

für mich ist tom larson der zur zeit beste netaudio dj.
2007-01-22 | vancouver sound |

From the first bar I knew I would like this mix, as the blurb says it makes you feel happy. Great for listening when your bike riding.
Thanks for the music