2007-01-07 | Mixotic 065 | Length: 70:38 |

| Kudu - Nanotaps Come with Kudu and let him take you down into the caves of deep minimalism. There you can find bright melodic spots, deep dubs and mystic soundscapes which put their spell on you. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Kudu: Kudu was born in 1987 in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg and is still living there. When he was 15 years old he opened his mind for electronic music. For the last years he enhanced his taste for music more and more. Now he stays at the minimal music combined with deep sounds. Most of his mixes he creates only for his friends. But it makes him very glad to see that they like his music.

Well...Oustading mix set. very good tunes aod clips to turn your attention to the minimal soudz.
Congrats on the perfect hearing sound you must have.
"Spaciba" Kudu... :)


..man...inTElliGenCE!!!!! beautiful...thanks a lot for putting sounds together like that..!! moremoremoremore..love...

Flowmo in Realtime :D

Bun ca sunt si romani:D muzik buna noua meserie

2007-03-10 | One more thing: |

Hello from United States! Dope mix!
For nearly 500mb of mixes from around the world, go here:
Also, pure sickness:

This floaty and ambient in it's minimalism, yet remains driving and danceable. Fantastic.
I've been sending others here to listen..

2007-02-26 | dj m.t.r future souds |

Very great relaxing sound thx

sorry for my english *G*

Real cool Sound Thx a Lot for this free muisk. its great played it two times at once

This is so great! Brings a a high-tech futuristic sci-fi image to my mind.

Very great mix!!!!I listen it everyday!

thanx 4 play my music,
www.myspace.com/emmerichk &
www.filtro.com.mx for more music
cheers from mexico!

Greetings from Finland. Awesome mix! Have listening to this over and over again.

great mix man.. :-) thx...

@dirk: just click on "mix.mp3" to download the mix. :)

how come there is no download availasble or i cannot see 1 plzz help

we hade nice and warm sunshine this day (darmstadt)
btw. cant get enough of that mix :D

lovely minimal sound - warm and smoothy flowting...really good stuff! thx from germany

and I would also dance to it...

delicate, relaxing and intelligent mix, just the way my ideas like it

hi guys! thanks a lot for you comments i am happy that you have some enjoy from my mix. i am in Ekaterinburg (Russia) and we have -5 degrees! (it's not so bad) ;)

Cold days? Where are you from, man? In Berlin it's 15 degrees! :)

top tracklist. its a good mix to hear in this cold and wet days. thx for that :)
2007-01-08 | i need it records |

absolutely great !
thank you :)

What a great stuff - unbelievable!!!
