2006-10-16 | Mixotic 053 | Length: 78:45 |

| Tom Larson - Night Drive Music Labelmix Night Drive Music is the first address to get finest deep techhouse beats from. Tom Larson's hands formed the brilliant releases of this label and its sublabels to a delicious mix for dreaming or dancing or both. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Tom Larson: Tom was born on October 24, 1979 in Sonneberg. At the age of 16 he discovered his love for electronic music. At that time he was inspired by music sets of Richie Hawtin, Karotte and many other artists.He also had a big interest in spinning records. Tom began to create Mixes... He put on records in many reputable locations in his homeland and at numerous radio stations like Sputnik Radio for example. He convinced lots of parties with his ingenious DJ Skills and also wants to convince you. His aim ... [read on]

nice mix ;)
the second and tenth track are awesome
greetings from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Here I found a taste of music. Thanks for Mixotic and their crew!!!
2009-06-15 | Marek scientologist |

Fantastic set. To me the best deep set I have ever heard. Thanx for a top notch music man ;-)

Listening to the Night Drive Music Labelmix and loving it!
Keep up the heavenly vibes!

super set super tracks specially Neurotron,Ika sali and Taeik Alj :) NDM repsect ;)

keep on...

i'm in deep heaven driftin on a summer breeze blue skies groovin groovin keepitdeep
2007-07-13 | dom.b (subterraneo) |

wicked stuff Tom, deep and smooth as fuck. I have to check where u playing, would like to c u live.
thank you very much :]
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hey men, thats great good sound, great beat , how can i get this musc? cheers from Mexico

huge.. .。

it´s amazing....absolutly real deepset!good work...


damn great

what can i say ? tom larson

Traumhaft und todschick. Samt für die Ohren und Balsam fürs Hirn! Und auch noch der dezente Schub dahinter!!

Wow! Ein wahnsinns Drive durch den ganzen mix und herrlich zum abschalten oder tanzen..
Mehr davon bitte und liebe Grüße..


Es isch Huere Geil!!:o))

super mix!die erste hälfte ist etwas besser als die zweite..

damn, brilliad remix, perfect for driving on the highway at night!!!

sehr sehr NICE

super set super tracks specially Neurotron,Ika sali and Taeik Alj :) NDM repsect ;)

genau mein Geschmack!

prima mix zum joggen im herbstlich dunklen park - thanx 4 sharing!

es ist eine der besten sets von mixotic!!! (name zerinnerung gefiel mir besser...)
schöne arbeit!
grüsse aus Ungarn!

great mix!

Hi Tom,
downloaded only right now... but I'm enjoying from the first nanosecond... !!
Compliments for your hard work...
CU !

Hallo flowbike.:-)
Night Drive Music ist ein Netlabel.Nur kein Free Netlabel!!Wichtig ist aber das der Sound GEMA frei ist.
Infos unter
Lg Tommy :-)

Perfect ! ;) it is runing runing runing...

Big Thanxx to all the Peoples who hear my Sets!Your Feedbacks are very nice...I feel good!! :-)
Cheers Tom Larson

wirklich sehr smooth, mal wieder sehr schön was Tom hier gemixt hat. Ich habe mich nur gewundert, daß die tracks alle nicht bei netlabels zu haben sind :-(

Richtig schön zum Abschalten- herrlich!
2006-10-17 | Night Drive Music |

genial, einfach top der tom.
mach weiter so.
der neue name der seite gefällt uns auch. bestens.
ich werde den mix gleich nochmal hören und in meine tägliche playlist aufnehmen.
Night drive music team
2006-10-17 | Cristian Paduraru (RO) |

Loving the deep sound of NDM & Neurotron! It's super inspiring and brings a great feel:))
Thank you Tom for the awesome way you mixed this brilliant dreaming tunes. Please keep me updated Tom ;-)
ps: thank you q-man for hosting such great music!

wow, fantastic