2006-09-10 | Mixotic 048 | Length: 69:47 |

| Tom Larson - Deep Emotions Tom Larson is back with his second mix on Zerinnerung. Dreamy sounds are his medium to create beautiful visions and touch emotions deeply inside of you. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Tom Larson: Tom was born on October 24, 1979 in Sonneberg. At the age of 16 he discovered his love for electronic music. At that time he was inspired by music sets of Richie Hawtin, Karotte and many other artists.He also had a big interest in spinning records. Tom began to create Mixes... He put on records in many reputable locations in his homeland and at numerous radio stations like Sputnik Radio for example. He convinced lots of parties with his ingenious DJ Skills and also wants to convince you. His aim ... [read on]

u are so deep can u give me downloads

plees iwant to download any mix

this website is amazing. i've found so many incredible mixes, alot of them coming from this guy.
keep it up!

Hi Tom, your mixes are quite HOT, I wish you can come bless use with your presence in South Africa soon. You are GOOD. Heita!!!!!

This is what i call DEEP.
Really love the mix, and i will curteinly play it a lot this summer. Thanks!

Yes!!!!! keep my mood up Bro

deepy and dubby great stuff

wery wery super nice!!!!!

Balsam für die Ohren, wenn`s was kosten würde wär`s unbezahlbar

more... very ...


Incredible mix... I am absolutely enjoying it over and over... going back to look for more... !!

Endsgechillte beatz. Kommen ganz anders....great job...perfekte track selection...weida so!!!

kann mich dem lob nur anschließen, wirklich sehr guter mix.
bitte, bitte mehr davon!

schöner über minimal hinausgehender mix.. teils dub auf hohem niveau um melodiöse elemente angereichert.
besser als viele derartige mixe mit musik von bezahl-labels.

Thanks.very HOT Stuff.


wirklich sehr gut gelungen dieser mix. perfekte trackauswahl und danke auch für den Hinweis auf dreiton, dieses netlabel kannte ich noch gar nicht :-/
Die mixes von Tom, Oliver und Felix gehören für mich zu den absoluten favourits hier.
thumbs up

nicht zu topen, das beste was ich die letzten monate hören durfte - unglaublich! perfect job! thanks

Hi Tom!!!
thanks a lot for this wonderful mix!

Tremendous, top notch.

thank you.

very very nice. what a deepness. cool.


Damn ! Awsome mix ! Really great job ! Thanks for that. Wonderful deep and a perfect choice of tracks ! Very atmospheric.