2006-05-21 | Mixotic 041 | Length: 75:40 |

| Cotumo - Freak By Night Minimal master Cotumo releases his fulminant dj set of the NETLAG 3 party in Berlin. The minimal sounds are sprinkled with progressive and dreamy elements, this combination makes it an outstanding experience. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Cotumo: Born in 1981 Cotumo grew up in a small German state close to the French border called Saarland. Since the age of 14 he was strongly into early trip hop, nu jazz and dub, which still greatly influence his style today. At the age of 18 Cotumo started exploring more of Germany until he finally settled in Berlin in 2003.Inspired by artists like Matthew Herbert and Akufen, Cotumo began thinking about sharing his music by playing in Clubs. After finding his alter ego "Cotumo" he started sampling and mixing with ... [read on]

hei hammer lieder man


Voll geil alter!!!


Rockt wie sau!!:-)

really a nice one.
thanks for some non-bored working days.
greetings from berlin-lichtenberg.

minimal sounds at its best! thx for that stuff, go on like that...shoutz from mannheim

it's good


Bonzer Mate!

thnk u!
2006-08-06 | danny a.k.a artifacks |

wou es inkreible poder oir este tipo de material. os agradezco todo el trabajo que haceis !!!


Great Stuff Yehaaaa =)

@teyega, you can download "Thursday" and "Crash Nonstop" from
when can we xpect the unreleased ones???

yep after 4 tries it worked... guess i was downloading a bit too much :) thx for the replies though
ps: slamming mix it is!

Hey FooL,
I also downloaded the dj mix without problems, just try to redownload.

Hello FooL, probably a problem with the hoster. Simply retry to download. Worls properly here...
And thanks for the comments so far!

first 14 min sound great though

since there is nowhere else to ask it... Why do i get a 14 min file when i download it?? should be a 75 min file shouldn't it?

another pearl from netlag... my favorite: toby dreher - but the other tunes are right in the flow as well. thx for this cool mixing!
2006-05-22 | stardust-arts.de |

yes yes yes - this mix is so great - from first to last track, finest mixing and only stylish tracks - Go on like this......