2006-04-16 | Mixotic 036 | Length: 66:58 |

| KarPe - From Website 2 Website KarPe is a DJ from Poland, he is maker of the polish website/netlabel internetova.muzyka.pl. His Zerinnerung Mix shows the energetic side of straight minimal techno that makes you dance, no matter where you are. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
KarPe: KarPe was born in 1982 in Szczecin, Poland. He has been fascinated by the sounds of copyleft music for a couple of years. Because he wanted to share his fascination he founded "internetova.muzyka.pl" in July 2005 which was the first website in Poland promoting netlabels. Encouraged by the service's success he started the mini-platform: "internetova muzyka extra".On Christmas Eve 2005 he released the "Last Christmas I Gave U My Track" compilation. On this release you can find tracks of producers from Szczecin, e.g. Votchik, Misz, 2v and Dubai Quartet. After ... [read on]
2011-08-15 | skinny stuff JOB |

you have a realy nice set....thats kicking the floor.....go on like that....

thatīs a really good set!
in portuguese expression i will say: "ganda malha"
congratulations, from Portugal!

hammmerrr geil alter sehr gut 1111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love your mix...it escorted me trough many home parties and many countries ;-)
Go on dude!!!!
Greetz from Germany

itīs the best minimalmix of the world !!!!!!
(bambazz from germany)

I really like this mix, best mix ive heard for the last few months now. Keep up the good work. god bless minimal techno xxx

Best mix I ve heard so far...

e-mail :
the best i hear the last 2 years!!!!
itīs realy straight minimal

fuckn nice... good sound :D

veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyp nice stuff very good selection of tunes. standing ovation

kann nur sagen das is der absoulute Hamma..musst mir mal unbedingt deine email addi schicken.....

Very Good tracks check the other album Eclipse
www.op3n.net/op3n/015.php Check it out all the goodies comes from here warm vibration.KarPe!!Keep on goin and laid back a bit Ciao!!

Witam!Naprawde zajebis... plytka ale osobiscie wole Eclipse:))) Bardzo spokojny klimat kuleczka Haszu jest recomendowana Gorace pozdrowienia z Olsztyna


thanks 4 all positive comments , now you can check my second mix on op3n :)
Like it!!! Nice!

das absolut geilste was ich bis jetzt auf dieser seite gefunden hab!!!!!
THE SHIT!!!!!! wie geil!!!

Yes...very good Minimal-Mixset ! Play it loud...;-)
2006-05-22 | stardust-arts.de |

wow...first set i download from this page....it is really nice to hear from beginning till end...go on mister karpe

difficult to do better with this mix it s karpe diem !!!

Misz - Catch The Play :D
i love the track!.

this mix is the essence of what we call minimal house...
great job Master KarPe!

Like someone has said in "human trafik" - nice one brother :)

german: echt riesen geil...und das ab 5:45 trifft genau meinen nerv..:)
english: really good fantastic sound...
i love it sooooo much...

vielen dank

funky and cool! i like it a lot.

bravo! really nice stuff.

good jop karpe, I recommend.

yeah! really great choice and perform... this set made my hair stand on end!

100% energy overdose! great selection!

wow nice set .....

the best of the best !
