2008-11-09 | Mixotic 147 | Length: 73:28 |

| Wout - Misunderstood Wout is telling a story full of colours and emotions. It's a story made of house music, chillout and electro beats. Melodies and soundscapes make their way to your ears and spread a warm and comfy atmosphere. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Wout: Wout was born in 1982 in Maastricht. He started to create mixes at home when he was 20. His influences in electronic music are Alexander Kowalski, Slam and mix-CDs from Global Underground.Wout likes to make mixes at home but is not involved in labels, websites or parties. The inspiration for his mixes comes from travelling or special occasions in his life. His intention is to express these influences with a wide range of different styles.

Worth to be listening

Die liefde van wout

Gaidys cia visi siti setai!!!!

nice.. very nice

Thanks to all of you for the support of this mix

brilliant one.

a great mix with a perfect final!
is good to listen diferent styles mixes
not only in the life is the dancefloor beat.

great job! nice deep rhythms... and i like the and'ing this mix take me far away... thanx !

kazuo... if you had a single ounce of musical understanding and respect you would retract your rather immature and thoughtless remark. I can tell your one of those people who like to think they know music, you clearly do not have the capability to accept and interpret other artists work. go listen to britney spears
wout... beautiful work. real feeling and intelligent journey mix. well done. will be listening out for more stuff. peace

Beautiful music, mixed with feeling, Great!!
respect & PEACE !!

one of the best mixes I have ever heard here ... it simply knocks you out!

uhh nice great mix men :x
2008-11-17 | MIXOTIC SETS LOVER |


btw, don't mind that ghoul with the slack review. He knows shit.
New music is always welcome

Quality chill-out/downtempo/ambient is always hard to come by. This is excellent and believe me, I am a hard fiend to please.


Let him cry. he's a baby.

kazu is stoopid :o) thats not the sound for village people...nice one..thanks Mr. Wout

Hey Kazuo, I don't see it as a mission to bring back the old mixotic and actually I don't know what you mean with the old style. Maybe you can surprise me with a mix, but my intention is to go forward and inspire other people. You can say whatever you want, but please be a little bit nice to artist who publish their hard work.

Hey kazuo, music is always a matter of taste and I try to bring a variety of styles into Mixotic. If you prefer the 4 to the floor sets, don't worry, next Sunday will be a banging one again. :)

i quite liked this one. a quiet cozy atmosphere indeed... something to give your ears a break after all the bangin techno sets!

he, mr. kazuo. please.... say why you think this mix is not good. be a constructive reviewer! its easy to say shit!

wout sorry dude but this mix... sux! suck beginning, nice middle, horrible end! BRING BACK THE OLD MIXOTIC!