| Sven Swift Experimental, Ambient, Hip Hop, Pop
Bochum (Germany)
 DJ-Sets by this artist:    Juvenile Sven Swift grew up in northern Germany listening to Norwegian black- and Californian death-metal. Being part of the second wave of German hip hop, Swift got addicted to the graffiti in the mid nineties. Long hair was cut down, but rock music still kept a place in his black heart. Together with his school friend Sim Sullen, Swift founded the experimental outlet Majestik12, fusing indie rock, traces of hip hop and electronic music. Their second EP “Catfish Took My Girl” was released on the internet, and this is how Sven Swift got in contact with the netaudio movement.
Nowadays, Swift runs the established CD-R and netlabel 12rec.net, writes expanded reviews about free music at RUBored.com and hosts his own mixtape label thirteensongs.net. He releases electro-acoustic ambient and drone music and is responsible for most of the delightful artworks at 12rec.net. From nine to five, he's working as a graduate student in a biochemical laboratory. He is married with a beautiful girl named Anne. |